Saturday, October 3, 2009

Instant Coffee

Starbucks Debuts Its Instant Coffee Nationwide

At the grocery store today there was a table set up besides Starbucks at which it appeared a worker was giving out coffee samples. Naturally attracted to a free coffee giveaway, I walked over there instinctively, like a moth drawn to the light. But more than a sample tasting, it was the Starbucks' "Via Taste Challenge." "Via" is their new instant coffee, and the challenge was to see if I could tell the difference between the instant coffee and the regular brewed coffee. I am proud to say that, with just one sip of each, I immediately identified the instant. But, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In my experience, instant coffee has always been awful, awful stuff. When I lived in Japan people would often offer it to me, assuming this "gaijin" would prefer his Western "coffee" over their own Asian tea. I actually preferred the tea, or water, or nothing at all. But instant coffee technology must have improved since then - the Via was decent. If there were no other viable caffeinated options, I'd drink it.


Unknown said...

I will have to get some for John to try. Even though we live in what I consider a coffer drinking mecca he still prefers instant...blehh!

Sander said...

Hi Kelly! Let me know what John thinks of it.

I didn't know anybody preferred instant over regular coffee - especially someone living in Spokane!


Karen said...

Scott, I went to get my hair cut a couple days after this post and Mike was telling me about his new discovery - Starbucks Instant. He's not quite the connissour (where's spell-check when you need it?)that you are, but he's really taken a shine to it and uses it all the time now. I wanted to take some camping, but haven't been able to find it in the local stores yet, and I won't go into Missoula Starbucks (trying to support the locals). Mom.

Sander said...

Mom - so, maybe it will be a hit, after all?