Sunday, September 20, 2009

Sunday night recap

It's almost 10:00 p.m., three out the four kids are in bed, and I'm worn out. A typical Sunday night.

It was a good Lord's Day. In the morning I preached on Jesus' encounter with the rich young ruler from Matthew 19. My main point was that when Jesus calls us to discipleship, he both demands all from us, and graciously gives all to us. I concluded by pointing out that in the account there are really two rich young rulers: the one who spoke with Jesus, and Jesus himself. As the Son of God in the flesh, Jesus possessed in himself all divine authority and glory (and riches). Yet, he made himself poor for our sakes so that by his poverty we might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9).

At the evening service, I preached from Psalm 32, focusing on the blessedness of the one whose sins are forgiven. I've been preaching through Romans in the evening, but for today I re-worked an older sermon so that I could have some time during the week to work on next Sunday's evening sermon.

And that is, of course, because this week Robyn is going into the hospital to be induced. I'm praying that the labor and delivery will go well for her. Of course, I can't wait to meet the baby and welcome her to the family.

For this reason also I am working tomorrow, Monday, which is usually my day off. When I do work on Monday, often concentration doesn't come easy. But, I know I'll have some extra motivation to be productive tomorrow, knowing what is ahead for this week.

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