Friday, September 25, 2009

The calvary has arrived!

My mom flew in from Missoula, Montana, this evening to meet her newest granddaughter, and to help out our family while Robyn recovers and we all adjust to life with Monica.

We've also been greatly helped by the kindness of friends who have provided meals for us. Tonight a family brought by a crock pot full of delicious moose stew for dinner. Only in Alaska!

Sleep was hard to come by last night. It'll be that way for a while now, until Monica learns that nighttime is for sleeping, not eating.

Tomorrow is Saturday and while I've spent some time studying Matthew 20:1-16, for the morning sermon on Sunday, I haven't given it much sustained attention. Now that my mom is here, I hope to have the time necessary to pour myself into writing the sermon. It is a grand theme, the sheer generosity of God towards sinners, and one which I would feel inadequate to preach no matter how much time I had to prepare.


Jaco Kleynhans said...

Wonderful to read your blog again. I'm writing from South Africa. It is my dream to visit Alaska sometime in the future but with two boys (aged 1 and 2!) in the house it will have to wait a few years. I love your church and hope to read much more on your blog. Jaco Kleynhans, Pretoria South Africa

Sander said...

Hi Jaco,

Thank you for your comment. I didn't realize there was someone in South Africa reading my blog! You do need to visit Alaska sometime (though it sounds like you have your hands full).

Are you familiar somehow with Grace OPC, or with the OPC as a denomination?


Jaco Kleynhans said...

Hi Scott,

I've found information about the OPC on the internet. My sister lives in the US (South Carolina) and she found it very difficult to find a church thats close to what shes used to. She was first in a Baptist Church and then in a Methodist Church. She's currently in a Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill, SC. I don't know if you know Afrikaners. We're a group of about 4 million people living in South Africa. Our ancestors were mostly Dutch, but also German and French. We mostly belong to more conservative protestant churches, mostly Dutch Reform Churches.
In the last 15 years about 800 000 Afrikaners emigrated to countries like Austrialia (first choice), Nieu-Zeeland (second choice), the US, Canada and the UK.
I definately will visit Alaska in a years or two time. We want to rent a RV and drive through Alaska.
I've been twice to the US and really like the country.
Enjoy your new baby!

Sander said...


We knew a family several years ago who were Afrikaners, I believe. They live in suburban Chicago and at the time were trying to obtain residency (or citizenship, I'm not sure which) in the U.S. They finally did, and as far as I know plan to stay here.

Seeing Alaska by RV is a great idea, I think. Let me know when you visit.
