Saturday, May 12, 2007

An odd Saturday night

The night was odd because I was not preparing a sermon for Sunday morning. It is a rare Sunday that I am not in the pulpit, so this evening has felt a bit strange for me.

But it has been a busy day nevertheless. My parents arrived earlier in the week and they have been helping us with all the packing we need to do for the big move on Tuesday. So, I've spent most of the day either packing up stuff, moving stuff, or throwing away stuff. I think the last is my favorite!

I sometimes cannot believe that by this time next month, if all goes according to plan, we will be living in Alaska! I sometimes forget in the midst of the stress of packing that we are making a very big move.

It is during these times of change and busyness that I often feel spiritually dry. With so much to do, and so much to preoccupy my thoughts, it is almost impossible for me to carve out time for prayer, reading, and meditation. And even if I do carve out the time, my mind refuses to think of anything else but what needs to get done that day.

But I know the Lord is with his people in all the various seasons of their lives, even in those times when the press and pull of life seems to sap the desire for spiritual things. It is a wonderful truth that God never leaves nor forsakes those he has set apart in inherit eternal life in Christ. I believe this, but do I live out of this belief?

"I believe; help my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24)

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