Saturday, October 4, 2008

Introducing the next big political star from Wasilla

Election fever has apparently gotten hold of our eldest daughter Meredith. Today she made the following campaign poster:

Vote for Meredith Johnson!!!
She will be the person to say NO! against bad laws!
Will cut taxes (maybe).
Vote for her!

This is the kind of stuff political gurus get paid the big bucks to produce. Passionate but meaningless resolve - against bad laws! A bold promise with a nice "out" in the fine print ("maybe"). We definitely have a politician on our hands.

When I asked her what office she is running for, she said, "Senator, I think." A perfect choice. First, she has a squeaky-clean past. Even the press will have trouble making a scandal out of a seven-year-old's occasional disobedience to parents (not that they wouldn't try, of course - "Meredith Johnson fails to brush teeth." "'Toothgate' scandal embroils candidate."). And, I should add, she has checked out hundreds of books from the Wasilla public library and not once has she ever advocated banning one!

But even more importantly than that, she would make a perfect Senator because she is a born lawyer. I pity the poor soul who will have to face her in debate. Trust me, they won't stand a chance.

So vote for Meredith. Heaven knows we need more Senators against bad laws.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

She's got my vote! Blessings to you all, Leslie