Thursday, April 10, 2008


Just when you thought it was safe to take off the studded tires.
It snowed four inches yesterday. We're beginning to understand what everybody meant when they told us that the winters are not bad here, they're just long.

I believe....
I spent this evening talking to a group of teenagers from the church about the Apostles' Creed. They asked some excellent questions, and it was great to see these young people show a genuine interest in the teaching of Bible. The discussion went far afield at some points, but that was perfectly fine with me.

But why is it that when I'm with teenagers I feel like I'm 60 years old? I think because when I was their age, there was no significant difference in my mind between a 38-year old and a 60-year old. And I'm sure it's the same with them.

Interesting news from Alaska.
I've been meaning for some time to post local news stories that are uniquely Alaskan. I came across one the other day, actually a sad story. A locally famous moose by the name of "Buzzwinkle" died. Buzzwinkle earned his nickname last winter after he ate too many fermented crab apples, got his antlers entangled in someone's Christmas lights, and then spent the day staggering through the streets of downtown Anchorage. If I remember right, Buzzwinkle had to be put down a few days ago by the authorities because he was dying of some natural cause.

Only in Alaska!

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