Sunday, July 1, 2007

Iro Iro

"Iro Iro" is Japanese for "various". Below are some various items with no connection between them.

First, it is late Saturday night and tomorrow will be a long day. I will preach in the morning and then administer the Lord's Supper for the first time since we've gotten here. I'm beginning a series of sermons on the significance of the Lord's Supper which I'll preach each time we observe it for the next several months. Tomorrow's message is on the death of Christ. I find myself feeling wholly inadequate to preach on this, but who is sufficient for such things? Then, there is a short congregational meeting, followed by a time of fellowship at a family's house, followed by a prayer meeting, followed by the evening service. In the evening, I will give a message on "kindness" as the fruit of the Spirit.

On Monday morning, we are hoping to make an offer on the Craig Stadler house (see previous blog entry). We are excited about it, but realize (in our minds at least, if not always in our hearts) that God is sovereign over this, as well.

I met an elder for lunch the other day and among other things, we spoke about guns. Many people carry some kind of firearm when they go hiking into the woods, and he (along with most Alaskans) recommends I do the same thing. He's taught gun safety classes so he's ready to train me in the proper use of handling and firing a deadly weapon. It sounds like a good idea to me. While the chance of actually being attacked by a bear is quite remote, it would give me some peace of mind to know that at least I would have a chance to survive. And, I've always wanted to say, "Go ahead, make my day".

Finally, I've been delighted to happen upon my daughter from time to time reading the Bible. She is an eager Bible student, which warms the heart of this pastor. I also like the way she enjoys singing hymns around the house. Don't misunderstand; she's not ready for sainthood just yet, but it is great to see her interested in the things of God.

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