Tonight about 10:45 Meredith and I saw this rainbow in the sky. It is one of the few complete rainbows I have ever seen, and it was a great sight to behold.
Meredith was able to remember the meaning of a rainbow according to the Bible. It is a sign of God's covenant promise to Noah, and to all creatures, that he will never again destroy the earth with a flood (see Genesis 9:8-17). A rainbow is a divine sign of the general grace and patience of God, who allows the world to continue in order to bring all his people to repentance and faith in Christ (2 Peter 3:9).
Tomorrow is the Lord's Day, and I will preach on true and counterfeit Christianity from Colossians 2:16-23 in the morning. In the evening, I will speak on gentleness as a fruit of the Spirit.
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