Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Trip to Portland

Tomorrow morning I am catching an early-morning flight to Portland, Oregon. I am going there to attend the meeting of the Presbytery of the Northwest of the OPC (my denomination, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church). According to our church's rules, I cannot begin serving as the pastor of Grace OPC in Wasilla until the presbytery has both approved the terms of the call and has examined me on the floor of presbytery.

Since I am already ordained as minister, the exam will not (I hope!) be as intense as the theological exams for those seeking ordination. I survived that ordeal 3 1/2 years ago, and I am glad that is over. But, the presbytery will want to know where I stand on certain issues, and if I still "sincerely receive and adopt" the Westminster Standards, which are the theological standards of our church (and I do).

The presbytery will also want to know about my calling and preparation for ministry, and perhaps something about my service here in Norman.

I am a little nervous about the whole process, but am fairly confident it will go well. I also have to preach before presbytery, which is always a bit nerve-wracking. But, by God's grace, that will go well, too.

God has opened this door for me to serve in Wasilla, and I know he will grant success in all of the necessary steps I must take before actually moving my family there, if it is his will. So, I am not overly anxious. I read this the other day from Isaiah - "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you" (Is. 26:3). My prayer is that my mind will be stayed on him in the days ahead. Also, I pray that I will preach from my heart, and answer all the questions I am asked to the best of my ability and with utmost honesty.

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