Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Plodding through the Institutes

Our Calvin's Institutes discussion group met tonight. We are "persevering", you might say, by reading about 50 to 60 pages a month. I wonder what Calvin would think if he was told back in 1559, the year he finished the final version of the Institutes, that in 2008 a group of people would be meeting monthly in Alaska (which he may not have even known existed!) to talk about his work? I'm sure he would have been pleased to know that nearly 500 years later, there are still many who love the truths that he and the other Reformers devoted their lives to proclaiming.

Tonight we talked about providence, original sin, and free-will. I was encouraged to hear one person tell me after the class that she is really enjoying the readings.

This week is "spring break" in Alaska. Evidently all the schools take spring break at the same time. It is really a misnomer, however. With a fresh inch of snow on the ground, and temperatures still in the low-thirties, it should be renamed "mid-winter break"!

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