Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9th - First day of snow this winter

We knew the white stuff had to come soon. And it came, this morning - about six inches of it.

This is what we see when we look out our dining room window. Not a bad view!

This is the church:

The mist coming off the lake was pretty.

Another shot of Wasilla Lake.

Meredith is smiling after her orthodontist's appointment - maybe because it was painless.

The first snow always looks nice. In a few months we'll be sick of snow, but it was fun to have some today.


Mom said...

Nice pictures Scott - I like the one of the lake. Is Meredith going to have braces?

Sander said...

Mom - she won't need full braces, but something that will expand the arch of her upper jaw (not sure if that is the correct orthodontic terminology!). It's not serious, but should be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Huh. She looks perfect to me!

Mom said...

Oops - I got trigger happy with the mouse. I didn't get my name signed.